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D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
▼Ndpp | The main namespace for D++ functions. classes and types |
Ncache_policy | Contains a set of predefined cache policies for use when constructing a dpp::cluster |
Ncolors | Predefined color constants |
▼Ndetail | Implementation details for internal use only |
Nasync | |
Ncoroutine | |
Nevent_router | Internal cogwheels for dpp::event_router_t |
Njob | |
Nstd_coroutine | Alias for either std or std::experimental depending on compiler and library. Used by coroutine implementation |
Ntask | |
Nwhen_any | Internal cogwheels for dpp::when_any |
Nembed_type | Represents possible values for the dpp::embed type field. These are loosely defined by the API docs and do not influence how the client renders embeds |
Nevents | The events namespace holds the internal event handlers for each websocket event. These are handled internally and also dispatched to the user code if the event is hooked |
Nunicode_emoji | Emoji unicodes |
Nutility | Utility helper functions, generally for logging, running programs, time/date manipulation, etc |